Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Role Model LGBT Speech Competition Project - Inquiry Question: What makes somebody a good role model for young people? Part of the Brand New PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum - Celebrating Diversity & Equality Core Theme. Product Code: RSE/C8/PJ/04
This is a 6-7 Week Project Bundle. Resources, handouts, Lesson material, assessment criteria, support material, feedback and progress sheets, PBL support, certificates and much more… This will give you all the tools to deliver a successful, educational, fun and most importantly organised and structured project!
This project bundle is designed primarily to be used as a 6 Week Homework Project which has regular check in points with the teacher and then presented and assessed at school against a PSHE 2020 Assessment Project skills criteria. It can however be adapted by the teacher easily to be used as a drop down (off timetable) PSHE Day or to be taught over 6 PSHE / Citizenship lessons to a class.
Contents of LGBT Project Bundle
Role Model Speech Competition Project walk through PowerPoint for Teachers and Students (Including Extra Teacher notes & assessment Criteria)
Specific student help resources & student templates for the Role Model Speech Competition Project
Project success student feedback sheets (Matched against a detailed tiered five level project success criteria (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Peer assessment voting tokens (3 types)
Teacher project tracker sheets
Student project planning Brief + project development flowchart
Project based learning reflection Slides
Editable Pitching sentence starters
CPD - Teacher Top Tips for project based Learning
Project certificate templates (Themed to the project and in two different sizes)
Graduation assessment rewards (Themed to the project and in five styles to match students levels (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE 2020 Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may want to get a head start on your PSHE 2020 planning by downloading our COMPLETE SECONDARY Curriculum Audit Bundle of Resources here:
Or our COMPLETE PRIMARY Version here:
These tools will literally save you days if not weeks of planning.
If you want to learn more about Project Based Learning then this resource is perfect
CPD on Project Based Learning
Politics and Parliament Project - Inquiry Question: How is the United Kingdom run?
Part of the Brand New PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum - Rights, Responsibilities and British Values Core Theme. Product Code: RSE/C8/PJ/14
This is a 6-7 Week Project Bundle. Resources, handouts, Lesson material, assessment criteria, support material, feedback and progress sheets, PBL support, certificates and much more… This will give you all the tools to deliver a successful, educational, fun and most importantly organised and structured project!
This project bundle is designed primarily to be used as a 6 Week Homework Project which has regular check in points with the teacher and then presented and assessed at school against a PSHE 2020 Assessment Project skills criteria. It can however be adapted by the teacher easily to be used as a drop down (off timetable) PSHE Day or to be taught over 6 PSHE / Citizenship lessons to a class.
Contents of building Parliament Project Bundle
Building Parliament Project walk through PowerPoint for Teachers and Students (Including Extra Teacher notes & assessment Criteria)
Specific student help resources & student templates for building Parliament project
Project success student feedback sheets (Matched against a detailed tiered five level project success criteria (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Peer assessment voting tokens (3 types)
Teacher project tracker sheets
Student project planning Brief + project development flowchart
Project based learning reflection Slides
Bonus Extra - What is Parliament 2hour Lesson and set of literacy Key terms support cards
CPD - Teacher Top Tips for project based Learning
Project certificate templates (Themed to the project and in two different sizes)
Graduation assessment rewards (Themed to the project and in five styles to match students levels (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE 2020 Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may want to get a head start on your PSHE 2020 planning by downloading our COMPLETE SECONDARY Curriculum Audit Bundle of Resources here:
Or our COMPLETE PRIMARY Version here:
These tools will literally save you days if not weeks of planning.
If you want to learn more about Project Based Learning then this resource is perfect
CPD on Project Based Learning
The Big Society and Community Project - Inquiry Question: How can we promote community spirit in modern Britain? Part of the Brand New PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum - Life Beyond School Core Theme. Product Code: RSE/C8/PJ/10
This is a 6-7 Week Project Bundle. Resources, handouts, Lesson material, assessment criteria, support material, feedback and progress sheets, PBL support, certificates and much more… This will give you all the tools to deliver a successful, educational, fun and most importantly organised and structured project!
This project bundle is designed primarily to be used as a 6 Week Homework Project which has regular check in points with the teacher and then presented and assessed at school against a PSHE 2020 Assessment Project skills criteria. It can however be adapted by the teacher easily to be used as a drop down (off timetable) PSHE Day or to be taught over 6 PSHE / Citizenship lessons to a class.
Contents of Identity Project Bundle
Society and Community Project walk through PowerPoint for Teachers and Students (Including Extra Teacher notes & assessment Criteria)
Specific student help resources & student templates for the society and community board game project
Project success student feedback sheets (Matched against a detailed tiered five level project success criteria (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Peer assessment voting tokens (3 types)
Teacher project tracker sheets
Student project planning Brief + project development flowchart
Project based learning reflection Slides
SEN Support Materials
Editable Pitching sentence starters
Team Roles and Responsibilities cards
CPD - Teacher Top Tips for project based Learning
Project certificate templates (Themed to the project and in two different sizes)
Graduation assessment rewards (Themed to the project and in five styles to match students levels (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE 2020 Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
You may want to get a head start on your PSHE 2020 planning by downloading our COMPLETE SECONDARY Curriculum Audit Bundle of Resources here:
Or our COMPLETE PRIMARY Version here:
These tools will literally save you days if not weeks of planning.
If you want to learn more about Project Based Learning then this resource is perfect
CPD on Project Based Learning
The Big Puberty Magazine Project - Inquiry Question: How can we ensure all students are prepared fully for puberty?
This is a 6-7 Week Project Bundle. Resources, handouts, lesson material, assessment criteria, support material, feedback and progress sheets, PBL support, certificates and much more… This will give you the tools to deliver a successful, educational, fun and most importantly organised and structured project!
This project bundle is designed primarily to be used as a 6 Week Homework Project which has regular check in points with the teacher and then presented and assessed at school against a PSHE 2020 Assessment Project skills criteria. It can however be adapted by the teacher easily to be used as a drop down (off timetable) PSHE Day or to be taught over 6 PSHE / Citizenship lessons to a class.
Contents of Puberty Project Bundle
Puberty Project walk through PowerPoint for Teachers and Students (Including Extra Teacher notes & assessment Criteria)
Specific student help resources & student templates for the puberty magazine project
Project success student feedback sheets (Matched against a detailed tiered five level project success criteria (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Peer assessment voting tokens (3 types)
Teacher project tracker sheets
Student project planning Brief + project development flowchart
Project based learning reflection Slides
CPD - Teacher Top Tips for project based Learning
Project certificate templates (Themed to the project and in two different sizes)
Graduation assessment rewards (Themed to the project and in five styles to match students levels (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Check out some more of our most popular resources:
☞ Masculinity + Misogyny Explored (Ks4)
☞ Boys to men - Masculinity (Ks3)
☞ What is Toxic Masculinity? (Ks3)
☞ Incels Extremism Misogyny (Ks4) (Ks5)
☞ Sexism in society (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ What is Feminism? (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ Sexual Harassment (Ks4)
The Big Identity Project - Inquiry Question: What makes you unique? Part of the Brand New PSHE 2020 Cre8tive Curriculum - Celebrating Diversity and Equality Core Theme
Product Code: RSE/C8/PJ/03
This is a 6-7 Week Project Bundle. Resources, handouts, Lesson material, Assessment criteria, support material, feedback and progress sheets, PBL support, certificates and much more…
This project bundle is designed primarily to be used as a 6 Week Homework Project which has regular check in points with the teacher and then presented and assessed at school against a PSHE 2020 Assessment Project skills criteria. It can however be adapted by the teacher easily to be used as a drop down (off timetable) PSHE Day or to be taught over 6 PSHE / Citizenship lessons to a class.
Contents of Identity Project Bundle
Identity Project walk through PowerPoint for Teachers and Students (Including Extra Teacher notes & assessment Criteria)
Specific student help resources & student templates for the Identity project
Project success student feedback sheets (Matched against a detailed tiered five level project success criteria (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Peer assessment voting tokens (3 types)
Teacher project tracker sheets
Student project planning Brief + project development flowchart
Project based learning reflection Slides
CPD - Teacher Top Tips for project based Learning
Project certificate templates (Themed to the project and in two different sizes)
Graduation assessment rewards (Themed to the project and in five styles to match students levels (Diamond/ Ruby/ Emerald/Sapphire/Amber)
Check out some more of our most popular resources:
☞ Masculinity + Misogyny Explored (Ks4)
☞ Boys to men - Masculinity (Ks3)
☞ What is Toxic Masculinity? (Ks3)
☞ Incels Extremism Misogyny (Ks4) (Ks5)
☞ Sexism in society (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ What is Feminism? (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ Sexual Harassment (Ks4)